90 Best Podcast Interview Questions to Ask [2024]

In the ever-evolving realm of digital media, podcasts stand out as a uniquely intimate and impactful medium, offering a canvas for storytellers, thought leaders, and influencers to paint their narratives in vivid audio colors. As we step into 2024, the landscape of podcasting continues to flourish, becoming an increasingly influential platform for discourse and discovery.

Crafting the right podcast interview questions is not just a skill; it’s an art form that requires insight, intuition, and a deep understanding of human curiosity. The questions you ask are the keys that unlock the stories, ideas, and truths that your guests hold. This guide is designed to be your compass in navigating the vast and varied terrain of podcast interviews. Whether you’re sitting down with an entrepreneur, an artist, a scientist, or a dreamer, the 90 questions curated here will equip you with the tools to craft interviews that are engaging, enlightening, and profoundly memorable.

Tips for Asking Exceptional Podcast Interview Questions

Crafting podcast interview questions that resonate, reveal, and engage is an art form. The right question can transform a simple conversation into a journey of insight and discovery. Here are some refined strategies to help you formulate the best podcast interview questions to ask your audience and illuminate the essence of your guests:

  1. Research Your Guest Thoroughly: Understand their background, achievements, and previous podcast interviews. This allows you to ask informed, unique questions that resonate with both the guest and the audience.
  2. Understand Your Audience: Know what your target audience is interested in and tailor your podcast questions to align with their preferences, challenges, and curiosity.
  3. Open-Ended Questions: Frame your podcast interview questions to encourage detailed, thoughtful responses rather than simple yes/no answers.
  4. Create a Comfortable Atmosphere: Establishing a rapport with your guest can lead to more open and authentic responses. Start with lighter, more interview questions on personal life to ease into the conversation before diving into more complex topics.
  5. Stay Present and Adaptable: While having a prepared list of great podcast interview questions is crucial, be ready to adapt based on the conversation’s flow. If a guest shares something intriguing, feel free to explore that avenue further, even if it means deviating from your planned questions.

Things to Avoid

A successful interview-style podcast is as much about avoiding pitfalls as it is about asking the right podcast interview questions. Being aware of common mistakes can help you navigate the subtleties of conversation and maintain a harmonious and engaging dialogue with your guest.

  1. Overly Complex Questions: As a podcast host, you must not confuse your podcast guest or audience with overly complicated questions. Keep them clear and concise.
  2. Interrupting the Guest: Allow your guest to fully express their thoughts before moving on to the next question.
  3. Too Many Clichés: Avoid repetitive, clichéd questions in your podcast episodes that don’t add value to the conversation or provide new insights.
  4. Repeating Questions: Be cautious not to ask the same questions that have already been answered earlier in the conversation. This not only shows a lack of attentiveness but can also disrupt the flow and make the otherwise great podcast interview seem disorganized.
  5. Neglecting Follow-up Questions: While it’s essential to have a list of prepared questions, don’t miss the opportunity to delve deeper into a guest’s response with follow-up questions.

How to prepare for the Podcast Interview

Preparation is the bedrock of a compelling podcast interview. A well-prepared podcast host can create an atmosphere of ease and confidence that encourages guests to open up and share their most profound insights.

  1. Pre-interview Research: Gather as much information as you can about your guest’s background, interests, and recent activities before the podcast interview.
  2. Create a Comfortable Environment: Make your guest feel at ease, as a relaxed guest is more likely to provide open and honest responses in a podcast interview.
  3. Have a Backup Plan: Be prepared for potential issues, such as technical difficulties or unexpected interruptions in your podcast interviews.
  4. Develop a Signature Question: Craft a unique signature question that becomes a staple of your podcast, something that your audience looks forward to, and that provides distinctive value or insight into your guests.
  5. Encourage Engaging Conversation: While maintaining the interview’s structure, foster an environment where dialogue flows naturally. Encourage your guests to share stories, anecdotes, or experiences related to the discussion topics.

90 Best Podcast Interview Questions

Intro questions

Commencing on the journey of interview podcasts, your initial questions should be meticulously crafted to unravel the layers of the guest’s personalities, backgrounds, and unique perspectives. These podcast questions are not just conversation starters; they are gateways to understanding the multifaceted nature of our guests, fostering a connection that resonates with our audience. From childhood memories to personal quirks, passions, and dreams, these podcast questions aim to paint a vivid picture of the person behind the professional, setting the stage for an interview that’s as informative as it is engaging. Here are the initial questions that will set the tone for a profound and revealing conversation.

1. Where did you grow up, and did that affect who you became?

2. What does your morning routine look like?

3. What’s your favorite funny story to tell people?

4. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever gotten?

5. What is your favorite pastime and why?

6. What did you want to be when you were a kid, and why?

7. Would you consider yourself more of an introvert or an extrovert?

8. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which would it be and why?

9. If money wasn’t a factor, what would you do with your time?

10. What is a movie or show that you’ve recently become fond of or one that remains a favorite over time?

11. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

12. What is something you are deeply passionate about?

13. What’s your most embarrassing memory?

14. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

15. What star sign are you?

16. What’s your Myers Briggs type or number on the Enneagram?

17. What was the last thing you searched for on Spotify?

18. What would you do if you won the lottery?

Personal questions

In this segment, your podcast interview questions delve deeper, beyond the surface, to explore the inner workings, motivations, and reflections that define our guest’s personal journey. These personal questions are designed to uncover the heart and soul of your podcast guest, offering a rare glimpse into their life experiences, values, and the intricate tapestry of events and decisions that have shaped their identity. The guest’s answer to these personal questions, addressing challenges, fears, achievements, and aspirations, aims to present a holistic narrative that inspires and intimately connects with your audience. Here are some of them you can use in your podcast interview:

19. What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing in your role/business/project right now, and how are you tackling it?

20. Why are you passionate about what you do?

21. Who is the most influential person in your life, and how did they impact you?
22. What do people misunderstand about you most?

23. What is your favorite thing about yourself and why?

24. Did you have siblings, and if so, how did they affect your life?

25. What were you like as a child?

26. How are you different than your old self last year?

27. How do you want to be remembered?

28. What character traits do you most respect in other people?

29. What would change about yourself if you could?

30. What is your biggest fear?

31. Where do you see yourself in five years?

32. What makes you passionate and gets you motivated?

33. What’s something surprising you’ve learned about yourself?

34. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?

35. What do you think is your biggest failure?

36. What are you proudest of in your life?

37. What was the most significant turning point in your life?

38. What is a unique thing about you?

39. What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

40. What things excite you?

41. Do you have any regrets?

42. How did you meet your significant other?

43. Do you have a life motto?

44. What is one thing you want to change about yourself in the next year?

45. What keeps you up at night?

46. What challenge in your life shaped you the most?

47. What’s your favorite quote?

Expertise and career questions

In this segment, the interview questions to ask are meticulously designed to uncover the depth of our guest’s professional journey. They provide a window into their expertise, challenges, and triumphs in their chosen career path. These questions aim to extract not just the facts but the wisdom, experiences, and personal reflections that define their professional life. From the inception of their career decisions to the nuances of industry dynamics, these interview questions to ask seek to offer our audience a rich, comprehensive understanding of what it takes to thrive and make a mark in their respective fields. They are crafted not just to inform but to inspire and guide those looking to navigate similar paths. Let’s take a look at them now:

48. When did you know you wanted to choose this career path?

49. What’s the best advice a mentor ever gave you about the industry?

50. What have you learned from being in this field that people should know?

51. What’s the most difficult part of being a _______?

52. When are you most productive?

53. If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be?

54. What are the most helpful resources that have helped you along the way?

55. Do you have advice for those interested in your field?

56. What do you wish you knew before starting your career?

57. What is a common myth about your job or industry? (This is one of our favorite questions).

58. What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

59. Who do you talk to when you feel stuck?

60. What gives you motivation?

61. What networking methods have worked for you?

62. Who do you consider to be your biggest competitor?

63. How are you different than other thought leaders in your space?

64. How do you define success in your field?

65. Are there any business podcasts that have helped you to succeed in your field?

66. What is the most crucial trait someone needs to possess in your role?

67. What surprised you most when you first started?

68. What’s your top strategy for success?

Mental Health Questions

In this crucial segment, your podcast questions must delve into the often undiscussed yet vitally important realm of mental health. These questions are crafted with sensitivity and depth, aiming to open up a meaningful dialogue about personal well-being, societal perceptions, and the evolution of understanding surrounding mental health. Recognizing the profound impact that mental health has on every facet of life, these questions seek to shed light on the guest’s personal experiences, beliefs, and practices. They serve not only to inform and educate but also to destigmatize and foster a supportive conversation about mental health, encouraging our audience to embrace mindfulness and prioritize their mental well-being.

69. What does mental health mean to you?

70. What was your perspective on mental health growing up versus now?

71. Did you have conversations about mental health growing up?

72. Why is mental health important to you personally?

73. What habits do you have to take care of your mental health?

Podcasting-related questions

In this insightful section, your interview questions should be carefully curated to delve into the heart of podcasting, a realm that combines creativity, strategy, and personal expression. These questions are designed to uncover the stories, techniques, and insights behind successful podcasting. From the initial spark that ignited the podcasting journey to the nitty-gritty of audience building, content creation, and monetization strategies, these questions aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the podcasting process. They offer valuable learnings for both seasoned podcasters and those just starting in the medium, highlighting the dedication, innovation, and passion required to make a podcast truly resonate with its audience.

74. What made you want to start a new podcast (or video podcast) about your topic?

75. How long did it take you to grow your audience to its current size?

76. What are your best content marketing strategies?

77. What’s your best tip for consistent content creation?

78. Do you have any monetization tips?

79. What’s your most successful episode, and why do you think you did well?

80. How do you make your podcast stand out from others in its category?

81. What’s your favorite recording software?

82. Do you have any gear recommendations?

Closing questions

As you draw the curtain on your insightful conversation, these closing questions aim to encapsulate the essence of the dialogue, offering wisdom, resources, and anticipation for future endeavors and any upcoming interview. These questions not only provide valuable takeaways for the audience but also allow the guest a final spotlight to share personal recommendations, reflections, and upcoming projects, ensuring the conversation leaves a lasting imprint and connection with every listener.

83. What’s one piece of advice you can share with my listeners?

84. Can you share your top three book recommendations for the audience?

85. What are the best podcasts related to your field?

86. Is there any question you wish I’d asked you?

87. What’s the biggest takeaway you hope listeners learn?

88. What can people expect from you next?

89. Where can listeners sign up for your course or purchase your product?

90. Where can listeners learn more about you?

In the dynamic landscape of podcasting, the art of crafting and delivering podcast interview questions stands as a cornerstone for captivating and meaningful dialogues. The 90 questions outlined in this guide are meticulously designed to traverse a broad spectrum of themes, from personal insights and career journeys to mental health and the intricate craft of podcasting itself. By integrating these questions thoughtfully into your podcast interviews, you’re setting the stage for rich, in-depth conversations that not only resonate with your audience but also elevate the entire podcasting experience. Remember, a great podcast interview question doesn’t just seek an answer; it sparks a story, unravels wisdom, and connects hearts and minds, creating an unforgettable journey for both the guest and the listeners.

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